Developing and Facilitating Therapeutic Groups in Community Mental Health
2 hours, 40 minutes
CE credits:
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Group therapy can be an effective and impactful therapeutic intervention for consumers of community mental health services, providing a space for processing, peer support, and social skills practice. This training will explore both the practicalities of starting and maintaining a group within a community mental health setting, as well as specific evidence-based interventions and modalities that can be used to ensure a group remains helpful and supportive to participants. This training is tailored for community mental health providers working in field-based settings in Los Angeles County. Anytime session recorded on March 12 and 14, 2024.
Learning objectives
- Differentiate between process-based groups and skill-building groups
- Identify the core operational tasks required in planning group interventions
- Define and discuss managing group dynamics
- List interpersonal and organizational skills needed to develop and facilitate a successful group
Added on 7/6/2023
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