Archived - Healthcare Provider Tips for Supporting Community Members During a Pandemic
Healthcare workers provide an invaluable service to the community, and every more so during the COVID-19 outbreak. Review this collection to learn ways to support the community by helping them to manage stress and support their wellbeing during the pandemic.
Psychological First Aid for Everyone
This is a course for everyone to learn and apply Psychological First Aid skills to effectively provide emotional and informational support to others experiencing disaster-related stress. After completing the course, you will be able to identify when to refer for mental and medical health services and apply stress-management and self-care skills care for themselves.
Printable Tools
Mental Health and Supportive Services
Access this printable tool to get mental health and supportive services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Working Remotely During COVID-19: Your Mental Health & Wellbeing
Remote work during COVID-19 can present new and unique challenges for individuals' mental health and overall team wellbeing. This fact sheet outlines strategies that individuals and managers can use to foster adaptive coping and connection to the workplace and each other during this pandemic.
Prevention in Practice
To Go Forward, We Have to Go Through: Perspectives From a Mental Health Clinician
Today is Sunday. Usually I'm gearing up for the work week ahead and sorting out the schedule with my family to make sure we'll have everything covered. But Sundays during this pandemic have been quite different. The week ahead looks little like a typical week. In-person gatherings have either been postponed, cancelled outright, or moved to teleconference. While I'm thankful for Zoom and other options that allow for continued connection, something is still missing.
Mobile Tools
Liberate Meditation
Liberate is a meditation app that includes practices and talks designed for the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) community to reduce anxiety and stress and to sleep better.
Because We Care - Risk for Moral Injury During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Frontline human service workers are braving the physical dangers of repeated exposure to COVID-19, the emotional dangers of empathically sharing suffering, and the moral dangers of possibly being unable to save every life. Read this article for more on moral distress and moral injury in health care.
Los Angeles County Immigrant Youth Toolkit
This website helps professionals from all disciplines address the needs of their immigrant youth patients/clients with regards to healthcare, legal services, education, social services, and more. This website consolidates community resources in the greater LA area for immigrant youth and families.
Resources in Español
Prevención del abuso infantil
Los recursos para la prevención del abuso infantil son cruciales durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Use esta hoja para obtener información sobre los recursos útiles, incluyendo Familias Seguras para Niños, Asociaciones Para Familias, el Departamento de Salud Mental y el Programa de Intervención contra la Violencia.