Preparing to Reopen: Considerations for Student and Staff Safety
Note: This interview includes a prologue to address racial realities in America (recorded date: June 15, 2020). COVID-19 has upended all of our lives in the last few months. Within the last few weeks, the publicized deaths of Black cis and trans women and men across the country have left our school communities traumatized and grieving.
Ensuring the safety of all individuals during reopening is not the only concern we have as a community. Schools and districts have to consider a myriad of issues as they plan. Jewel Forbes, MA/PPS and Arturo Valdez shed some light on Los Angeles County's planning efforts around reopening schools. Arturo Valdez is the Deputy Superintendent of Schools for Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Jewel Forbes is a Coordinator II Community Health and Safe Schools and the Lead for School Counseling and School-Based Mental Health for LACOE.
Recorded on: 5/28/2020
Learning objectives
- List strategies to consider in reopening schools as outlined by the Los Angeles County Office of Education
- Describe ways teachers can convey reassurance and confidence to students during reopening
- Define ways to support the successful reopening of schools