Recovery Oriented Care
This series of videos focuses on recovery-oriented care and concepts that are key to providing services that are person-centered. Being recovery-oriented is critical to working with individuals who are experiencing serious mental illness. This concept and treatment approach emphasizes hope, purpose, and meaning. It focuses on strengths while collaboratively working to reducing barriers to living a fulfilling life. This collection will provide the participants with a well-rounded understanding of this foundation of FSP service delivery.
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Recovery Oriented Transitions From FSP This training focuses on how clients transition out of intensive clinical programs like FSP. It examines the layered issues underlying transitions out of intensive programs, from a graduation when a client’s goals have been achieved to a disengagem... Virtual Training | 1 hour 5 minutes | Added on 5/21/2021 | Anytime session available |
Recovery-Oriented Care Training Collaborative This Training Collaboratives session is on recovery-oriented and person-centered care approaches, with practical applications curated to the challenging and unique work of FSP teams. Specific focal areas will include how recovery orientation plays a ... Virtual Training | 4 hours 44 minutes | Added on 5/21/2021 | Anytime session available |