Implementing Assembly Bill (AB) 2085: Guidance for Mandated Reporters in Los Angeles County

1 hour
CE credits:
Presented by:
Stress, Trauma, and Resilience (STAR) Seminars
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Assembly Bill (AB) 2085 is a new California state law modifying the definition of reportable general neglect. This course provides Mandated Reporters in California with an overview of AB 2085 and guidance on how to implement the new law. Participants will learn concrete strategies to make more accurate, consistent, and equitable decisions about reporting suspected general neglect. Participants will also gain insight into approaches to supporting families in need when a report to the Child Protection Hotline is not required by law.
Learning objectives
- Summarize key requirements and legal change stipulated by AB 2085.
- Identify the implications of AB 2085 on reporting practices for Mandated Reporters in Los Angeles County, focusing on the modification of the definition of general neglect, specifically.
- Outline practical strategies for compliance with AB 2085, while centering children and their families.
Professional credit
- This activity offers the following types of credit: APA
- 1.0 CEs are available.
- Additional details can be found in the activity document for this resource.
Added on 10/25/2023 ·
Last updated on 10/17/2024