Navigating Special Education as a Youth FSP Provider
Special education in Los Angeles schools is a complex system with many key players. As a Full Service Partnership (FSP) provider for youth clients, it can be difficult to navigate one’s role and set of responsibilities in this process. FSP teams must equip themselves with knowledge around special education and skills to effectively coordinate with schools to better support and advocate for youth who have or could potentially benefit from an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
This training will give a comprehensive overview of IEPs, including the assessment process, meeting types, how students qualify for support, services that may be available to students, and important California regulations. Additionally, this training will review important practice points for FSP providers such as building relationships with school staff, understanding relevant school systems, and tips for advocating for families. Finally, this training will review strategies for identifying the goals and responsibilities of all stakeholders, including school staff, the client, their family, and the FSP team, and what to do when these goals or responsibilities differ. This training is targeted towards any member of an FSP team (or comparable program) in LA County who works with youth clients or their families. Anytime training recorded on January 22 & 23, 2024.