Indigenous Wellness and Health Models, Processes, and Healing

This Stress, Trauma, and Resilience (STAR) Seminar will consist of three components. The first part will involve the use of Indigenous epistemology as applied to models of health and wellbeing. These models incorporate Indigenous values and worldviews to consider as treatment goals for physical and mental health. The second component will focus on processes related to un-colonization, decolonization, and Indigenization in relation to training and education of health care providers. The third component will consider treatment considerations inclusive of utilizing Indigenous models of wellbeing, and the knowledge of structural inequities, with attention to ecological and structural factors that can enhance healing and ameliorate the effects of structural inequities. In addition, how to re-create transformation spaces for healing while also being able to assess institutions to move towards radical healing and an anti-racist approach to training, education, and delivery of healthcare services needs to be considered.
Learning objectives
- Define and apply Indigenous wellness epistemology and models of health and wellbeing
- Assess policies, procedures, and processes for un-colonization, decolonization, and Indigenization
- Utilize structural components in healthcare
- Create transformational spaces for healing
Professional credit
- This activity offers the following types of credit: APA
- 1.0 CEs are available.
- Additional details can be found in the activity document for this resource.