We’re Glad You’re Here!

Enjoy this sample of the DMH + UCLA Wellbeing for LA Learning Center, including some of our favorite videos, articles, and printable tools.

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More Resources

Wellbeing in the Workplace

 Resource Collection

Strategies to Manage Adult Stress

 Resource Collection

Building Your Trauma and Resilience Informed Approach

 Resource Collection

Enhancing Professional Wellbeing


Cultivating Self-Awareness to Address Disparities in Healthcare Settings

 Printable Tool

Using Grounding Techniques in the Classroom


Kindness Counts: Strategies for Self-Compassion


Managing Role Conflicts Through Acceptance, Emotion Regulation, and Gratitude


Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care

 Printable Tool

Somatic Series: Widening Our Window of Tolerance

 Learning Pathway

General Tips on Using Supportive Language With LGBTQ+ People

 Printable Tool

Los Angeles County Employee Assistance Program

 Printable tool
Welcome to Wellbeing for LA Learning Center! Our open catalog has a selection of topics, videos, downloadable resources, and articles focused on community wellbeing and resilience.
The Wellbeing for LA Learning Center, developed by the DMH + UCLA Public Partnership for Wellbeing, provides educational trainings and resources aimed at supporting trauma and resilience informed prevention efforts within LA County and beyond.